Ejection seats


MARTIN BAKER is, for more than 60 years, the most prestigious manufacturer in the world of ejection seats and related equipment to save the life of the pilot.

It is the only Company that can offer users a complete service regarding safety, escape requirements, design, development, training and qualification, thereby ensuring that this support will remain in effect throughout the years to meet the service life of each airplane seat.

That's why MARTIN BAKER, throughout the years, have developed modern facilities and specialized engineering capabilities to support all tasks that contribute to the work of the ejection seat and guarantee that these products are of the highest quality and reliability.

It is the only Company that can offer users a complete service regarding safety, escape requirements, design, development, training and qualification, thereby ensuring that this support will remain in effect throughout the years to meet the service life of each airplane seat.

In recent years there has been a challenge for the Company, achieving a high degree of development in different anti-crash systems for VIP seats and troop helicopters from different manufacturers. In this regard, reliable seats have been developed that allow, under impact; protect the lives of the occupants.

SICAMB was founded in 1975 on the initiative of Martin Baker Aircraft Co. Ltd with the main purpose of production and overhaul of Martin Baker ejection and crashworthy seats and major sub-assemblies manufacturing for civil and military aviation industries.

MK6 Ejection Seat

MK6 Ejection Seat
MK6 Ejection Seat

Introduction of the rocket pack to the range of Mk4 and Mk5 ejection seats created the basic Mk6 and Mk7 ranges respectively. The Mk6 ejection seats have saved over 256 aircrew lives around the world and there are still over 250 Mk6 seats currently in service today.

  • Operating Ceiling: 50000+ ft (15,250m)
  • Minimum height/Speed: Zero/zero
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MK10 Ejection Seat

Mk10 Ejection Seat
MK10 Ejection Seat

The Mk.10 seat is designed in four main units, catapult, main beam structure, seat bucket and parachute assembly. This greatly simplifies and speeds maintenance or cockpit access. The seat bucket can be rapidly removed to provide full access to the equipment in the cockpit without disarming or removing the seat main structure or aircraft canopy. In a similar way the seat can be rapidly installed or removed by assembly or disassembly of the main units in the aircraft.

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MK8 Ejection Seat

MK8 Ejection Seat
MK8 Ejection Seat

Following development of the highly successful Mk10 rocket-assisted ejection seat, a simplified, lightweight variant of this seat, designated the Mk8, was introduced for primary trainer aircraft, such as the Embraer Tucano. The most significant design simplification was the removal of the rocket motor to save weight. In most other respects, the Mk8 seat retains the excellent design features and functionality of the Mk10 seat.

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US16LA Ejection Seat for T-6 Texan II

Mk16 - US16LA Ejection Seat for T-6 Texan II
Ejection Seat for T-6 Texan II

The JPATS (Joint Primary Aircraft Training System) is designed to train students in basic flying skills and is common to the U.S. Air Force and Navy. Designated the US16LA, this lightweight ejection seat is designed for training aircraft, such as the T-6 Texan II.

It optimises the pilot field of view, improves comfort and pilot efficiency, and provides increased reliability and maintainability.

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AFIP MBA MBA S.A. Argentina

Av. Alicia Moreau de Justo 2030 - Floor 1, Of. 101
C1107AFP - Buenos Aires, Argentina

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Las Higueras Airport
Área Material Río IV de la Fuerza Aérea Argentina.
Localidad Río IV, Provincia de Córdoba, Argentina.

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Phone: +54 11 4361-1530

Monday to Thursday: 8 AM - 5:30 PM
Friday: 8 AM - 2 PM